Hello DSPC,
Could you please show us the initialization time of AWE instance, if you have some typical values?
Such as
awe_initPin(&s_InputPin, 16, NULL);
If the duration time of awe_init() depends on the number of modules installed, I can share our module_list.h.
And regarding the duration of awe_initFlashFS(), I think it occupies the time to erase Flash memory.
Is that so? Please let us know if it takes longer.
Thank you for your support,
Best Regards,
Hello M.S.,
We suggest you clock this yourself as it's hardware/processor dependent, however awe_init() time can typically be considered trivial, as it mainly initializes/updates the internal AWE Core struct with the given properties.
awe_initFlashFS() simply initializes the flash file system instance. The callbacks to read, write and erase device specific flash memory encapsulated in the flash file system instance, should be user defined and then called from Audio Weaver.
Thank you for your reply.
I understand it and currently prepare to measure awe_init() on our device.
Best Regards