I want to use the FIleMemBuffer module for loading external parameter data(.hex or .ldr)
Output of FileMemBuffer is bufferPtr, but I can't access any useful data. in my custom module.
bufferPtr is input of my custom module.
the below is my C code,
unsigned int *pTun = (unsigned int *)(pWires[1] ->buffer);
memcpy((&GainInfo),(unsigned char*)( pTun+OFFSET_START), sizeof(GainInfo));
I'm using designer pro 8.d.1.1 and CMC.
please tell me the solution.
thank you.
Hi, the designs I have which use the FileMemBuffer further pass it through an FFSWrapper module as shown. Please see whether this gives you the desired result.
Hi Gary!
thank you for your reply.
The below is the inner C code for obtaining data by FSInstancePtr.
AWEFlashFSInstance* F = (AWEFlashFSInstance*)(pWires[1]->buffer);
a = awe_fwReadFileMem(F, OFFSET_START, OFFSET_START / 4, sizeof(GainInfo) / 4, (&GainInfo));
And then after rebuilding dll projects, error occured. (Linking error LNK2019)
How can I access to the function (awe_fwReadFileMem).
Hello mbc,
I am closing the loop on this thread, as we are now communicating on a more detailed level via email. Let's continue the discussion there.