Hello ,
In Matlab Scripting, is there a way to delete input/output pins?
It seems possible to add pins by add_pin, but is it also possible to reduce the number of pins in components such as Adders that were initially determined?
Thank you.
Hello ,
In Matlab Scripting, is there a way to delete input/output pins?
It seems possible to add pins by add_pin, but is it also possible to reduce the number of pins in components such as Adders that were initially determined?
Thank you.
Hi Noguchi-san,
Try the readd_module() function.
Think of readd_module as "re-add module()" or "replace module()".
For example, start with a layout that has a single adder with 2 input pins. Suppose this is Pins-2.awd.
GSYS = load_awd('Pins-2.awd');
GSYS.SYS = readd_module(GSYS.SYS, '', 'Add1', 'Add1a', { 6 1});
save_awd('Pins-6.awd', GSYS);
The Adder Add1 has been renamed to Add1a. It is also possible to specify the same name in both locations so it does not get renamed. The additional new Arguments sent to the Adder are { 6 1 }. So now it has 6 pins and the "oneChannelOutput" Argument is set to 1.
Hi , Gary
Thank you for the prompt response.
I'm glad to know that readd_module() can be used to modify the number of input and output of Adder and other modules.
Also, is there a way to change the number of input and output of a original made Subsystem that has been previously saved in .awd?
I feel that it is not working for the original subsystems named 'testSubsystem' with 3 inputs: testIn1, testIn2, testIn3, and 2 outputs: TestOut1, testOut2.
GSYS = load_awd('including_originalSubsytem.awd');
GSYS.SYS = readd_module(GSYS.SYS, '', 'originalSubsystem', 'new_OriginalSubsystem', { 2 1});
save_awd('including_new_originalSubsytem.awd', GSYS);
If I want to make new Subsytem with 2 inputs: testIn1, testIn2, and 1 outputs: TestOut1, is there a way?
Thank you.
Hi Noguchi-san,
Please try delete_pin() for subsystems.
Hi Gary, Thank you so much for your quick answer.
I didn't know delete_pin, and it works as I expected.
Thank you.