I'm trying to debug MATLAB source for custom module.
I am referring to the following documents.
I am adding breakpoints to MATLAB code according to the documentation, but the breakpoints are not hit even when I drag the target custom module from the module browser.
I've prepared according to the documentation, but is there anything else I need to consider?
Best regards,
Hi Makoto san, this will happen if isInterpreted = 1 in your module.m file. Please set this to 0 while you are debugging. You can set it back to 1 later.
Hi Gary
I tried isInterpreted = 0, but the following error occurs and I am unable to place the module.
mod_to_canvas.p(0): RenderPins failed: failed,-13,no such module as 'M17'
mod_to_canvas.p(0): UpdateProperties failed: failed,-13,no such object as 'M17'
mod_to_canvas.p(0): RenderPins failed: failed,-13,no such module as 'M17'
mod_to_canvas.p(0): UpdateProperties failed: failed,-13,no such object as 'M17'
mod_to_canvas.p(0): UpdateProperties failed: failed,-13,no such object as 'M17'
mod_to_canvas.p(0): UpdateProperties failed: failed,-13,no such object as 'M17'
mod_to_canvas.p(0): UpdateProperties failed: failed,-13,no such object as 'M17'
gui_create_new_module.p(0): ShowPropertiesArguments failed: failed,-16,no such module as 'M17'
Of course, at that time I was using Audio Weaver's pro license.
Hi Makoto san, did you run the module's "make" script again after making this change?
I have also contacted you directly by e-mail as it may be quicker if I can try your module code here.