I would like to reflect parameters to a module via communication,Is there a module in AWE Designer that can receive TCP/IP and other communications?
We do not want to use a DSP (evaluation board) and would like to complete the project using only a PC.
I want to use AWE Designer to handle parameters sent by other software.
I want to use AWE Designer to handle parameters sent by other software.
Hello Koike,
You can do this following our Audio Weaver Tuning Command Syntax Guide. Let us know if you need any help getting up and running anr/or have any additional questions!
Hi Kevin,
Thanks for the response !
I was able to run sending and receiving TCP communications between Python and AWE.
However, the values are reflected in the module at the timing when the connection to Python is interrupted.
What we want to implement is to reflect data at regular intervals that change.
Is it possible to reflect the sent data at any time?
Hi Koike, I'm not entirely sure what you are seeing. I'm attaching a sample AWD and corresponding Python3 script which changes the gain about twice a second. You can hear the gain changes and see them in the Display Sink module attached to the DC Source. However, the DC Source's inspector's position does not update, nor does the value displayed underneath the module itself.
Let me know if this helps or not.
Hi Gary,
That is exactly what I want to achieve!
I was able to modify and successfully implement it based on the sample.It seems it was a Python issue, not AWE.
Thank you so much for your help!
My question is off topic, but when I run the sample, the sink module values are displayed graphically instead of by value, unlike the above video. Also, the line connecting DCSourceV2 and the sink is still a solid line, not a dashed line.
How can I get the sink module values to display as in the above video?
Sorry for the rudimentary question, I am beginner at AWE.
Hi Koike,
Set the block size of the DC Source to 1 and the sample rate to 1500. Setting the block size to 1 makes this a "control" signal and the line becomes dotted. Also a sink display with a control signal input will switch mode to the one I showed where it is just showing one value numerically rather than on a graph.
Hi Gary,
I was able to solve all the problems.
Thank you for your answer.