Hello! This can be achieved with a Matlab script (I see that you are using the Pro version of Designer, so you can use our Matlab API). I have attached a script that will point you in the right direction. Simply get the layout SYS by doing 'get_gsys' in Matlab, and then pass the SYS as the first argument to the script. Note that this script counts the modules inside of a subsystem, which includes compiled subsystems. This means that some of our modules which are compiled subsystems (for example, the OneShotPlayer module), will actually be read as 3 modules.
Hello! This can be achieved with a Matlab script (I see that you are using the Pro version of Designer, so you can use our Matlab API). I have attached a script that will point you in the right direction. Simply get the layout SYS by doing 'get_gsys' in Matlab, and then pass the SYS as the first argument to the script. Note that this script counts the modules inside of a subsystem, which includes compiled subsystems. This means that some of our modules which are compiled subsystems (for example, the OneShotPlayer module), will actually be read as 3 modules.
Hope this helps!
-Andrew P