I recently downloaded the AWE BSP stm32f407 v1.2, but my STM32F407_Discovery board is unable to connect to Audio Weaver Designer STMicro 6.17.B01.
When I try to change target in the Audio Weaver Server, the message window displays "Target is not V5 or higher. Target is not compatible with this AWE version."
What could be the problem?
Thanks for your post. Can you make sure to follow the process as outlined in Audio Weaver Target User's Guide - STM32F4xx Discovery, found here: https://www.dspconcepts.com/support
Specifically, please make sure that you perform a full erasure on the board using the ST-Link utility before loading the .bin provided in the BSP. Also, make sure to cycle power on the board after you have loaded the new boot image. If the image was properly flashed, then the green LED should be blinking after this power reset.
Lastly, make sure both the micro-USB and the mini-USB cables are plugged in when you try to connect the AWE Server to the target via USB.
I hope this helps. If you are still experiencing problems, please respond with details about your procedure and an image of the error that you see.
Thank you!
Yesterday found directly written bin folder under the STM32F407_Discovery.bin file, server program can be correctly identified (Version5.2.4.17). But with keil programming bin file can not be identified, show Target is not V5 or higher. Finally found in the TargetInfo.h file #define CORE_ID from 0 to 52417 after the correct deflated server identification, but press Reconnect to Server can not read the Discovery Board configuration (left input pin 'SYS_in' can not become 4 Channels of input)
Today I will continue to try with your advice
New progress, yesterday's problem is due to erasure and opotimization caused by the cause. CORE ID is also not set to 52417. Can be properly connected, but the sound has not been played correctly. I will make various attempts. Thank you for your reply
Glad to hear that you've made progress.
For playing sound through the target, make sure that you are playing audio from an external program (Youtube, iTunes, etc) and not relying on Designer to source audio to the target.
Good luck!
Thank you for your reply, I have been able to play the sound. Is now studying how to AWB file from the stm32F4 flash call, and was real-time core use.