It is written here that you support ADZS-SC589-EZLITE board. My question is about the number of input channels I can use. EZLITE has 8 input channels and 4 channels which can be configured as inputs or outputs. But it is possible to use more inputs of the DSP chip through a separate connector. My question is: will it be possible to use those extra inputs for the microphones in Audio Weaver Designer? Our goal is to use 16 inputs.
Our BSPs are simply reference code. You may take one of our BSPs as a starting point and add or remove functionality as you see fit. Thus you can write code to enable SPORTs to DMA in new audio streams from mics, codecs, or any other peripheral you like and then place the data into an Audio Weaver buffer for processing. These BSPs are not immutable. They are meant for you to change to meet your needs.