Is there an online customer database feature where I can register customer details so that you can give the customer permissions to download and use Audioweaver on their own PC ?
For instance I would enter customer name/address, email etc and email would be sent with customer details to allow hime to logon and download and install Audioweaver etc
Hey David,
Hm. Not exactly following; could you fill in a little more context? It sounds like you're asking if you can create an account on someone else's behalf?
Hi Matt
If I sell a system to a customer then they will need to download and install Audioweaver on their PC. How should I proceed from there ? Do I email you the customers details to you etc or do I get them to sign up with what information ? What is the procedure with the new setup you have ?
I just thought that if you had an online database where I could enter those details then you could send the customer the appropriate user name and password etc.
Hey dspdude,
You can have licenses that belong to you that are assigned to another email. By doing so, you can handle all license management from your account page (https://www.dspconcepts.com/user). I recommend you have these customers create their own account through our registration page, and then assign them a license through your user page by typing in their account email. The dialog box looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/JutzYan.png
Just so you are aware, when you assign/remove a license from the user, they will get an email notification.