I recently downloaded the 6.17.B01 STMicro Audio Weaver software and I am trying to get it up and running on my STM32F407VG board. I am following the short tutorial you provided on your Youtube channel. In that video it shows that the installation folder for the software should contain in the 'Bin' folder the STM32F407VG.bin, but it seems I cannot find it in that folder or any other folder for that matter. Am I supposed to download them separately, or there is another way to program the STM boards with the software?
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Hi Tiberiu,
Thanks for the question.
We are currently working on the last stages of releasing our ST BSP, which will include the .bin file you are looking for. I will make sure to comment back on this thread as soon as the package is available for download on the website.
Thanks for your patience!
Hi Axel,
Thank you for the quick response. I am very sorry if I am being a bit persistent, but is it possible for you to tell me how much time will it take for this ST BSP to be released? I am looking to use this software in my third year university project and I am a bit time pressed. I would like to know if I can afford to wait for this software to be available or try to find something else.
Also, are all versions of Audio Weaver missing this .bin file? I tried downloading the 30 day three trial for the standard version and I can't find the file in there as well.
Thank you very much.
Kind regards,
Hi Tiberiu,
We are currently finalizing the reference design, and the BSPs will be released in the next few days.
Thanks for your patience, I hope this time frame works for you.
Thanks for your patience as we spent the time necessary to create and test the BSPs. You can now download BSPs for the STM32F407, STM32F746, and STM32L496 at www.dspconcepts.com/st.
just i woud ask, i didn't fine the file to upload to stm32f407, i search every where but not see. all that i see in BIN file is 3 directory : Assets, win32-vc100-rel, x64-vc100-rel
i use Audio Weaver 6.17.B01 STMicro
please help me or send me BIN file
thank u
The BSP for the stm32f407 is a separate download from Audio Weaver Designer. To get the 407 BSP, please download 'AWE_BSP_stm32f407_v1.2_Installer.zip' from the DSP Concepts downloads page: https://dspconcepts.com/downloads
Hi there... file download unavailable, only says coming soon...
update: previous versions has 404 error
thank you Axel
Is .bin file available for STM32F401C board? Thanks!
We found a critical bug in the libraries we included with version 1.2 of the ST BSPs. We're verifying the fix as we speak and will be posting a new release shortly!
Thanks Matt, i was just poking around looking for them in fact...
The new ST BSPs are now posted on the Downloads page of our website (www.dspconcepts.com/downloads).
OK-SO HAVE FOLLOWED EVERYTHING mentioned here and opened the bin folder of the ST BSP - instead of two binaries there are three -none of which are named as you mentioned = i have an stmf4 discovery board and downloaded this binary:
Board: STM32F407 Discovery (Cortex M4)
AWE_BSP_stm32f407_s1.4_Installer.exe (22.7 MB)
Includes: BSP reference source code, pre-built boot-image for board, ST AWE Core libraries, build projects for Keil, IAR, and GCC (OpenSTM32) toolchains, and support for ST specific modules.
where can I find this elusive file - the mythical "stm32f407vc.bin"?
any ideas?
Re: Is .bin file available for STM32F401C board?
I read all this documentation and with interest want to start with DSP on the F401 but no Bin file yet?
I'm trying to use AWE but I can't find the STM32F407vg.bin. Can anyone tell me where it is available for downloading ?
I've installed two AWE versions ( 7.A.0.7 and 8.B.1.3) but no one has the required bin file.
I've also installed AWECore CortexM4 s8.B.3.1-2019.09.18 and downloaded on my 407 Discovery board the firmware STM32F407_Discovery.bin from folder C:\DSP Concepts\AWECore CortexM4 s8.B.3.1-2019.09.18\SampleApps\STM32F407\Bin\MDK-ARM. Green LED started blinking but no new speakers appeared on my Windows.
I've also downloaded a new version 2.16 of Total Phase USB drivers ( AWE brings version 2.10 which is not compatible with Windows 10) but sill no luck. :(
When I try to connect AWE server via USB VID:1155 PID:407 , the follwing message is showed:
Unable to create USB port - is this port in use by another program?
Does anyone know how to get AWE working properly on W10 ?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Oscar,
The unable to create USB port is often caused by bad USB cables. You must use USB cables that support data and power.
This post also has a number of other suggestions to fix the USB port problem: https://dspconcepts.com/forums/audio-weaver-general/440-stm32f7-discovery-audio-input-and-output
Thanks Axel for replying
I've installed two AWE versions ( 7.A.0.7 and 8.B.1.3) but no one has the required bin file. (STM32F407vg.bin)
where can I find the file STM32F407vg.bin ?
Thanks Axel for replying
I've installed two AWE versions ( 7.A.0.7 and 8.B.1.3) but no one has the required bin file. (STM32F407vg.bin)
where can I find the file STM32F407vg.bin ?
Hello Oscar,
The .bin files for the 407 are in the CortexM4 AWECore package available on our downloads page: https://dspconcepts.com/download/AWECoreST_eval_CortexM4_8.B.3.1_Install...
hello I install everything I can see the output device as Speaker AWE audio class but I couldn't hear anything from the stm32f407 discovery board maybe I have a problem with my bin file but I don't know can you help me please
Is the bin file you are using downloaded directly from our website, and located in the SamplesApps/STM32F704/Bin folder of your Audio Weaver install directory?
Have you followed each step of the F407 setup guide (located in the SampleApps/STM32F704/Doc folder of your Audio Weaver install directory)? This document walks through all of the setup steps, and concludes with "Create and run a simple model in Audio Weaver and plug in speakers to the STM32 Discovery board’s 3.5 mm audio output jack. You should now hear audio being rendered by the STM32 Discovery board!"
If you've completed the guide's steps and cannot successfully get the board to play audio from the DAC, my next suggestion is to uninstall the device from the Windows Device Manager (right-click on the EVK device under "Sound, video and game controllers"). Then unplug and reconnect the board to your computer, which should prompt your computer to recognize a new device and reinstall the device.
If after that the board still does not play any audio out of the DAC, please let me know.