After reading through the Audio Weaver Linux Integration Guide, I have a question about running AWE Server on a single board Linux computer like a Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone:
Is it possible to run AWE Server on one of these single-board computers & communicate with a standalone target device running AWE through an embedded interface like SPI or RS-232?
For example, would it be possible to run AWE designer on a PC, connect to a Raspberry Pi running AWE server over TCP/IP, then tune a SHARC DSP running Audio Weaver Core through the SPI pins on the Raspberry Pi?
I know some DSP tuning toolsets have this capability & I can see a lot of great applications for tuning over wifi. I'd like to know more about this capability if it exists or if there are plans to support it in the future.
Hi Patrick,
I like your idea to use a Pi as an intermediary between your PC and a SHARC. Unfortunately, we do not support SPI connections with AWE_command_line on Linux, and have no current plans to do so. This is because there is no direct kernel support for SPI in Linux, so a new proxy would have to be built using 3rd party DLLs and drivers.
I'm told we do support ethernet and serial proxies with the Linux AWE_command_line, though I don't believe anybody has ever tried using them outside of testing.
Let us know if there's anything else,
Where can I find this Audio Weaver Linux Integration Guide? I searched online for it but couldn't find it. Is there one location where all the AW manuals can be found?
Hello Shaikath,
I'll email you shortly.
Hi Kevin, can you please also send me the Linux integration manual?
Hello LisBravo,
Since the last comment, it has moved to our website on our Documentation Page: AWECoreOS Integration Guide.