One of the functions in AWEFlash.c is awe_pltEraseFlashMemory4KSector(DWORD nStartingAddress, DWORD nNumberOfSectors) which is a request to erase 4K sectors. However I am using a M25P16 SPI flash device with 64KB sectors. How to go about erasing 4K sectors when minimal erase sector size is 64KB ?
Also I note the RS232_ISR(INT32 int_num) interupt dispatch function in TuningDriver.c also contains a method to transmit a character as well as receive it. The FT245 does not contain a mechanism to generate an interrupt after the transmission of each character so how to integrate this given that in the previous V4 both the recieve and transmit were poll driven ?
Thanks in advance
The API, awe_pltEraseFlashMemory4KSector(DWORD nStartingAddress, DWORD nNumberOfSectors), is misnamed and it is confusing. It is generic erase API which loops for number of sectors to be erased with sector offset as macro NEXT_SECT_OFFSET which define proper sector size. You can find this macro in 214xx_Flash_System.h file. So you can ignore the API name for now and it will be updated in future release.