Hello, I am new to the field of DSP. I had a DSP algorithm that was processing some tones (discrete sine waves values from matlab) according to some particular requirements. The algorithm was simulated in simulink. Now I want to feed sine waves from function generator to an ADC. I am having an ADC that outputs twos complement data.These twos complement data has to go through same DSP algorithm. How can I give these twos complement input to the algorithm? Should I scale back twos complement data to bipolar data before giving to the algorithm? Please reply. Thanks in advance With Regards Shalini
Hi, You can specifiy audio input devices via Audio Weaver Server's File/Preferences dialog. If you prefer to process data from a file, please arrange for your data to be in a wav file and specify the input file via Audio Weaver Designer's Layout/Layout Properties dialog. Choose the source as File and browse to your file.
If the input is two's complement it is signed and already bipolar.