Currently I am using the example-application for Audio Weaver, which I am using with an STM32F407 board.
When I am using printf() or ITM_SendChar(), the output is not visable with the "Serial Wire Viewer" of the 'STM32 ST-Link Utility', which normally would work perfectly with other STM32-based applications.
I am using a system clock of 168 Mhz and a Stimulus of '0' inside the 'STM32 ST-Link Utility' , but also tried other common settings like Stimulus 'all' without success.
Menu-item in ST-Link Utility: ST-LINK->printf for SWO viewer.
Because ITM_SendChar() is used to redirect the output of printf() in your "AWECore ST_EVAL_CortexM4 Release-8.B.5.1_ST_Eval_build61" application,
I guess it worked for you. It is defined in "BoardSetup.c" fputc(), but to be sure, as explained I also used ITM_SendChar() directly inside "Platform.c" like this:
... if (g_bBlinkLED4ForBoardAlive)
static INT32 nLoopCount = 0;
// Blink LED4 to show board is alive
if (nLoopCount == 500000)
// Indicate board running by toggling LED4
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_12); // MB 20200828 chaned PIN12 to active by setting the bool-value
nLoopCount = 0;
} // End while
So, could you please explain the needed settings to make this work?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, just to let you know, I found out myself, that an initialisation was missing, so I guess in Release-mode ITM_SendChar() / printf() never would have worked with the example application "AWECore ST_EVAL_CortexM4 Release-8.B.5.1_ST_Eval_build61\SampleApps\STM32F407"?
Anyways, I added DBGMCU->CR = 0x00000020; to be executed only once to main.c and now I can see the trace with the "serial wire viewer" of the ST-Link utility. System clock is 168000000, Stimulus is 0 - as expected
Hello Visuelle-musik,
Sorry we couldn't get to your question before you were able to figure it out on your own. Nonetheless, glad you figured it out. Thanks for letting us know!