Hello Kevin,
I would like to change the output channel to a DAC port 5 or port 4 on STM32F407 board, I received such an answer today, can you give me more details, how to do it?
"You can try de-interleaving your input to split the 3 channels up into discrete channels that you can then work with. The Router module also works for this. The BSP should include access to analog in and analog out. I'm not sure what channel analog in will be though."
Hello Piter,
When running on a target, Audio Weaver routes audio into AWE Core via USB, and then that audio goes out Analog Out. Therefore when running on your F407, you'll have to route audio to the STM32 sound card via Audacity or a similar program. After doing so, if you connect a speaker to the board, you should hear audio.
Hello Kevin,
Can you write what Audacity has to the Input Output ports on STM32? How to set it up on Audacity? I added two pictures describing my question.
Hello Piter,
Sorry, I was thinking of a newer F407 board (attached), that has a Line Out. The board you are using is relatively old. I believe you would need a CODEC and also perhaps have to modify the firmware provided by ST (both of which are out of DSPC's scope). We provide a working BSP example for the purpose of showing how to integrate Audio Weaver Core. Setting up the peripherals and tuning communication would be something the User handles on their own. The path of least resistance will be for you to buy a new board. They are relatively inexpensive. For instance, this STM32F407 runs about $20 on most websites.
Hello Kevin,
Thanks for the answer I thought so that we do not understand each other and that is why I placed the drawings.
My STM32 board may not be old but it does not contain the audio codec chip
Does the STM32F407 from your picture stm32f407.png codec support two microphones and two speakers?
Hello Piter,
Could you please read through the specifications and figure out what board fits your needs best? You will know best what fits your needs. I don't want to tell you what to buy and have it not be the right purchase for you. Here is a link to the website: https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/stm32f4discovery.html#sample-and-buy.